How to Resolve Inner Conflicts
Have you ever been in a situation where you said, “Part of me wants this, but another part of me wants this…”
Well, in all honesty, there are multiple parts to you, actually many parts of you, that often appear to desire different things and feel as though they are pulling you in multiple directions.
That division, just like the division that’s happening among us in our culture right now in many different forms, creates fragmentation and weakens your ability to make decisions from your highest self, for your highest good.
All of this is usually happening subconsciously, you’re aware of what you desire but you’re not fully aware of what each part of you represents because it’s unconscious, it’s below your level of everyday awareness.
But like any powerful system, the subconscious mind operates best as one integrated unit, so our task, is to bring together in unison.
Without that integration, you create resistance.
Resistance keeps you stuck; wondering which way to move, which part is the “true you” and which part is your “ego”, which part is love and which part is fear, which part is your heart and which is your pain, or which part wants what’s best for you and which part is keeping you small.
This inner dialogue of what’s right and wrong, good and bad, true and not true, causes absolute chaos inside the constructs of your mind.
The truth is, all of your parts want what’s best for you, it’s just their idea of what’s best for you and the strategy for getting you there can look very very different and often, like one big community trying to live in peace and harmony (the way we’re striving to do on this planet), there are members of the community who are wise and old, members who are young and immature (or maybe young and playful), and everything in between.
That’s the beauty of a thriving community. Variety. Diversity.
Our goal is to bring them all out to play, so they can be seen, heard, and felt, and we can recognize our commonalities, the pieces that bring us together and unite us, instead of our differences so we can make an aligned decision with all parts of us as one integrated whole.
Moving together.
So today, I want to share with you a powerful NLP technique I use when I encounter this disintegration in my own life and when it comes up in the lives of my clients during our coaching sessions.
In this video lesson you’ll learn:
How we fragment ourselves into multiple parts and create inner conflicts
A powerful NLP exercise called Parts Integration I use to mend these parts together
Why all parts of you really want the same thing (stay with me on this one!)
How you can integrate those parts to create a new shared strategy in the direction of your dreams
More about my own journey to entrepreneurship and integration (always a work in progress)
This video is just a glimpse into my signature Self by Design Method Coaching Program, the same method I use with my high-level coaching clients to teach them how to harness the power of their subconscious minds for thriving businesses, greater purpose, and true transformation.
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Love always,
Integrating fragmented parts of you to move towards wholeness again is often an NLP technique I use in my signature Self by Design Method.
If you’ve been considering mindset coaching and are curious to know more, Book a Free 15 Min Exploratory Call with me and let’s chat. This call is completely no-strings attached and solely for the purpose of opening the conversation to see what’s possible for you!