EFT Tapping Exercise to Quiet Your Inner Critic

Today I want to support you with a powerful EFT tapping exercise for silencing that tough inner critic we all so graciously have.

EFT is a powerful way to release stuck energy in your body and regulate your state at any moment. I teach this technique in my Self by Design Coaching Method (and soon to be in the corporate Mindfulness Training I’m running!) to all of my clients to empower them with the ability to shift their emotions at any moment.

Just to give you a super quick overview, because I have a whole other video about EFT, its history, and how to do it called Emotional Freedom Technique for Shifting Emotions, but essentially it's a therapeutic technique based on the ancient science of acupuncture and acupressure. It uses the same basic energy meridians, which are pathways for your energy to move throughout your body, that have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years to release the physical, emotional, and mental stress that we so often hold tightly in our bodies disrupting our thought patterns, moods, and ability to fully enjoy each moment.

As you tap on these energy meridians throughout the body, and emote about what’s coming up for you, you’re sending a signal to the brain (and particularly the amygdala where our emotions are stored), that it's safe to calm down. All is well. 

Then, you wire in the response you’d like to have instead. 

Ok, let’s get started.

So today, I want to run you through my favorite tapping exercise for quieting that inner critic because mine has been rearing its head lately as I embark on some new challenges and new ways of being in my life, and I know I’m not alone.

This exercise will help you dissolve that critic with love and compassion instead. The only way to truly move forward in life.

  1. The first step is always to rate the level of the emotion you’re feeling (in this case how strongly the inner critic is speaking) from 1-10

  2. Once you have that number, I want you to raise your hand and we’re going to start on the “karate chop point” (again I have another video describing the 9 tapping points)

  3. Repeat after me, outloud because we want to speak this out of ourselves! Move it out. 

    1. (Side story but did you know the word emotion is derived from the Latin term “emovere”, which means to move out. Emotions are simply energy that wants to move. If we keep that energy pent up in our bodies it builds up until it knocks at the exits begging to be let out. It wants to be set free.)

    2. We’re going to release the negative first, then tap in the positive

  4. Side of the hand:

    1. “Even though this inner critic is so loud, I deeply love and accept myself.”

  5. Eyebrow:

    1. “Even though, I’m always so hard on myself, I deeply love and accept myself.”

  6. Side of the eye:

    1. “Even though, I’m so frustrated by this judgmental voice, I deeply love and accept myself.”

  7. Under the eye:

    1. “Even though, I’m always criticizing myself for something, I deeply love and accept myself.”

  8. Under the nose:

    1. “Why do I beat myself up like this?

  9. Chin:

    1. “Then I beat myself up, for beating myself up.”

  10. Collar bone:

    1. “I’m so hard on myself.”

  11. Under the arm:

    1. “Is it because I feel like I deserve it?”

  12. Top of the head: turning point

    1. “I don’t deserve this. I deserve to treat myself with love, compassion and kindness.”

  13. Eyebrow:

    1. “I deserve so much more than this. I am a beautiful human being.”

  14. Side of the eye:

    1. “I am also human. Filled with good and bad, light and dark, and I deeply love all of me.”

  15. Under the eye:

    1. “I am open to a new narrative.”

  16. Under the nose:

    1. “I am ready to release this pattern.”

  17. Chin:

    1. “From now on, I speak to myself from my highest self.”

  18. Collar bone:

    1. “I choose to continually shower myself with love, compassion, and kindness.”

  19. Under the arm:

    1. “I am fulfilling my greatest purpose and highest calling.”

  20. Top of the head: ending/highest point

    1. “I am loving and loved.”

How do you feel?! Rate yourself from again 1-10 and tap through this script as many times as needed until you’re down to at least a 2.

Everytime this inner critic arises, because it will, continually come home to bathing yourself with love and compassion instead. Acknowledge it, thank it for it’s concern, then wash it away with love and acceptance.

Like all mindset work, the key is not perfect technique but persistence and repetition. Repetition solidifies those new neural pathways in the brain, making love and compassion your new default instead.

So try it at home, silence that inner critic and call in your highest, truest self.  

Let me know how you go!

Empowering you to shift your emotional state and have the toolbox to do so at any moment  is a leading philosophy behind my signature Self by Design Method.

If you’re a conscious entrepreneur, creator, or leader who’s been considering mindset coaching and are curious to know more, Book a Free 15 Min Exploratory Call with me and let’s chat. This call is completely no-strings attached and solely for the purpose of opening the conversation to see what’s possible for you!

Nicole Raymondi

We all have a mind but most of us, myself included, have gone our entire lives without really understanding the mind or knowing how to redesign it to create the lives we’ve imagined.

Self by Design combines my studies in neuroscience and certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), with the fundamentals of psychology, and the strength of our own spirituality to show that you can master the power of your mind.

We all have access to that vibrant thriving life by our own design, sometimes we just need a little guidance (and a little subconscious reprogramming) along the way.


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